After-Care Info.

after care information for permanent makeup and skin care services you must follow when you leave our spa for successful healing and amazing results

We believe that you will enjoy our professional services performed with the utmost care and quality. But your treatment doesn’t end in our spa room. Once you finish, after-care sheets will be given to you to go over and follow as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to read the sheets thoroughly and follow through so that you can heal properly and get the results you love after everything has healed. We have also provided the after-care information in the drop down menu below. Please contact us if you have any further questions about your healing journey.

  • After your lips have been tattooed, it’s normal to have swelling, soreness and mild irritation. Over the next 1-2 hours, gently blot any lymph fluid with a clean tissue. Then apply a thin layer of after-care balm, A&D ointment or Aquaphor.

    • Do NOT get your lips wet for 24 hours. After that time, you may gently wash them with antibacterial soap and blot dry as needed.

    • Do NOT be out in the sun for long periods for 7-10 days, sunburn will cause hyperpigmentation and lips will have a longer healing time.

    • Do NOT workout, swim, get in sauna, anything that causes sweating, will create bacteria around the lips and may cause infections.

    • Be careful what you eat, spicy and salty foods may burn and irritate your lips. Use a straw when drinking fluids.

    • Give your active ingredients skin care products a break for at least 2 weeks while healing.

    • Avoid makeup, such as lipgloss or lipstick on your lips for 7 days, just stick to the approved aftercare products.

    • Please, we urge you to resist kissing or doing anything that will cause friction to your lips for 7-10 days. Waiting makes the heart grow fonder! xoxo

    • Staying hydrated will speed up the process and reduce the dry lips time frame. Drink plenty of water.

    • Do NOT pick at any flaking or scabs, this will pull out the implanted pigment and lead to uneven lip blush.

    • Please schedule a touch up for 6-8 weeks post procedure if this is your first time having Velvet Lips.

    • Do call your health care provider if you experience extreme pain, blistering or oozing, as soon as possible.

  • Now that you’ve got your eyebrows tattooed it’s time to take care of them during the 2 weeks healing process. Please follow these instructions thoroughly to get amazing healed results.

    • After your brows have been tattooed, gently blot any lymph fluid with a clean tissue over the next 2 hours.

    • Do NOT get brows wet for the next 24 hours.

    • Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm, A&D ointment or Aquaphor and

    • Do NOT pick or rub your eyebrows, they may feel itchy but please, leave them alone.

    • After 24 hours, you may wash your brows with antibacterial soap or Ink Wash (given at first appointment) and gently blot them dry with a clean towel.

    • Do Not workout, go to sauna, swim, sweat for 7-10 days.

    • Give your skin care products that have active ingredients a break for at least 10 days.

    • Stay out of direct sun exposure for 10-14 days.

    • Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm as needed when feeling dry and itchy. Less is best in this case, you do not need globs of goo on your brows.

    • Do NOT sleep on face or have any pillows over your brows for 7 days.

    • It is normal to have some faded spots, depending on how your skin heals, that is why we recommended scheduling the touch-up in 6-8 weeks.

    • Please, schedule a touch-up in 6-8 weeks if this is your first time getting machine brows.

    • Contact your health care provider if you have extreme swelling that extends into your forehead and eyes, severe redness, blistering, oozing, as soon as possible.

  • After your microneedling facial, your skin will be mildly red, with small red dots, which are micro-injuries and open pores that need extra care and you will need to follow these instructions thoroughly at home to achieve beautiful results from this treatment.

    • Do NOT be exposed to direct sun for 7-10 days.

    • Do NOT exercise, go to saunas, swim, take hot baths, steam showers or anything that causes sweating for 2-3 days.

    • Do NOT get your face wet for 24 hours after treatment. Once that time passes, you may wash your face with antibacterial soap and gently blot dry with a clean towel.

    • Apply aftercare moisturizer or serums that have been recommended by your aesthetician beginning the night of your treatment.

    • Drink lots of water and stay hydrated to speed up your healing time and reduce irritation.

    • For the next 7-10 days, avoid using any skin care products with active ingredients such as: AHA, BHA, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzyl peroxide, retin-A or vitamin C.

    • Do NOT rub, scrub, exfoliate or wax the treated skin for 4 weeks.

    • Keep applying the aftercare products recommended for 10 days.

    • Schedule your next microneedling facial within 4-6 weeks for optimal skin benefits.

    • Contact your health care provider if you develop blisters, open sores, oozing or extreme pain and swelling as soon as possible.

  • After your Inkless Stretchmark treatment, it’s important to follow the instructions below for the best healed results.

    • Wear soft and loose fitting clothes for at least 2 days. Be careful when taking off clothes so they don’t rub aggressively on the treated area.

    • NO exercise/gym for 24 hours, nothing that makes you sweat.

    • NO sunbathing, sauna, hot baths or steam showers for 5 days

    • You may shower after 12 hours, use warm or cool water if possible and mild soap for sensitive skin.

    • Apply a thin layer of after-care balm or Aquaphor ointment with clean hands, twice a day for 5 days.

    • After 5 days, apply balm/ointment once a day or as needed when feeling itchy and dry.

    • DO NOT pick at any scabs.

    • Contact your primary care physician immediately if you get any blisters, oozing or severe pain that doesn’t subside.

    • Schedule a follow up after 6-8 weeks.